Municipal Services

Recycling - Blue Box Pick-up

New Recycling Program Across Ontario

In June 2021, the Province of Ontario released the Blue Box Regulation to shift the financial and operational responsibility of recycling from municipalities to the organizations that produce packaging, paper and packaging–like products.This new framework puts the producers responsible for funding and operating the recycling program throughout the province.

Starting July 1, 2023, eligible communities across Ontario began transitioning their Blue Box programs. The Township of Chisholm transition date is scheduled to occour on April 1, 2025. All communities across Ontario will all be Transitioned and on the new recycling program as of January 1, 2026. This means that materials accepted will be the same througout the province.

At the end of March 2025, Carts will be delivered to the residents of Chisholm to be used as their sole recycling receptical to be placed at the curb on the scheduled pick-up day.

These carts are to simplify recycling, reduce litter, and provide increased storage capacity! These carts can be used starting April 3rd, 2025. 

Recycling collection will remain biweekly on Thursdays.

Questions: Contact GFL at 1-888-796-4352 or

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