Integrity Commissioner
The Township of Chisholm is committed to an open, transparent government as required under the Municipal Act.
Council appointed David King as the Integrity Commissioner.
The Integrity Commissioner is required to perform his assigned duties in an impartial and independent manner, and reports directly to Council.
Integrity Commissioners play a key role in supporting and enhancing local accountability and transparency. For more information about the role of the Integrity Commissioner, see Sections 223.3 to 223.8 of the Municipal Act, 2001
By-law 2023-38 to appoint Integrity Commissioner
An integrity commissioner is a municipal accountability officer who is responsible for applying the rules governing the ethical conduct of members of municipal councils and local boards (including codes of conduct), and for providing advice and education on those rules. If you believe that a member of Council has breached the Code of Conduct or the Conflict of Interest Act, please contact the Integrity Commissioner directly. See contact info below.