Municipal Services

Landfill & Waste Diversion

Blue Recycling bins

The landfill site is located at 201 Fossmill Road and open as follows:
March to October (Daylight Saving Time) Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  Wednesday 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
November to March Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  Wednesday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
With the passing of By-law No. 2009-35, effective December 1, 2009, Chisholm residents now have a bag limiting system.
As of December 1, 2009 the bag limit has been changed to 78 bags per year for residents; vacant property owners have a limit of 16 bags while commercial and industrial owners have a limit of 195 bags. Should people exceed this limit, they will have to pay for every extra bag. Residents will also be allowed one free half-ton truck or trailer load of waste each year.
If you have your garbage picked up by the private contractor, he has already been given your Pass Card and will look after it for you. He will also provide the landfill attendant with a list of his customers’ names so they can take advantage of the free load per year. Private garbage pick-up is available by contacting Patricia Bainbridge at 705-978-3059.
As of May 1, 2013 no household garbage is accepted at the landfill site unless it is placed in clear or tinted bags, making the contents visible to the landfill staff.  This will ensure that no recyclable materials and/or hazardous waste are disposed of in our landfill, therefore extending the life of our existing site.
If you prefer to use grocery bags or regular kitchen catchers, these will have to be emptied into the large clear bags. The only exception will be the "privacy bag".
To address transparency concerns regarding personal items related to personal/hygiene waste, one "privacy bag", not larger than 20" x 22" will be acceptable per large clear bag.
For general information about the landfill site, you can refer to the By-law 2008-21.
Refer to the Recycling section for information about what materials are recyclable and Household Hazardous Waste section about which materials should be brought to the Household Hazardous Waste Depot.
Please remember, it is very important to bring your Landfill Pass Card with you everytime you go to the landfill site, ortherwise your garbage will be refused.
Residents should take all their household hazardous waste, free of charge, to the Household Hazardous Waste Depot – 112 Patton Street in North Bay, as this material is not accepted at the landfill site. Their hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. 
Examples of Household Hazardous Waste:

Aerosol cans


Asphalt tar

Automatic transmission fluid

Batteries/ Battery Acid

Brake fluid

Car wax & polish



Drain cleaner

Engine flushes

Flea collars

Floor strippers & polishes




Heating oil


Household cleansers



Laundry stain remover

Lighter fluid


Motor oil and waste oils

Nail polish

Oil filters

Oven cleaner


Paint & brush cleaner

Paint & lacquer thinners

Paint, varnish, stain & varnish removers


Photo chemicals


Propane tanks (big & small)

Roofing tar



Spot remover & cleaning fluid

Swimming pool chlorine



Wood preservative



  • All materials should be left in the original container to allow easy identification of the contents.
  • Wastes should be sealed & labeled and not mixed.
  • Bring all hazardous waste in a cardboard box or rigid container.

Not accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Depot: PCB's, Explosives, Unidentified Products, Pathological Waste, Ammunition, Radioactive Waste.

If not sure or would like more information, please contact "The Waste Line" at (705) 474-0400, ext. 2333.

By-Law 2023-30

The charges for tipping services shall be as follows:

Half-ton truck (per load)                                            $30.00

Trailers – Up to 8’ in Length                                        $30.00

                - Over 8’ in length                                     $40.00

                - Up to 8’ hydraulic dump trailer                 $30.00

                - Over 8’ hydraulic dump trailer                  $60.00

Single Axle Dump Truck                                             $100.00

Tandem Truck                                                           $150.00

Tri-Axle Truck                                                           $200.00

Semi Dump Truck                                                     $350.00

Slide-off Container              - 20 cu. Metre                  $160.00

                                        - 30 cu. Metre                   $240.00

                                        - 40 cu. Metre                    $320.00

Over 40 cu. Metre                                add $8 per cu. Metre

*Disposal of Shingles require a tipping fee*

Tires                                                                      FREE

Appliances (each)                                                                     $10.00

(Do not accept refrigerators or freezers not tagged.)

(Doors must be removed from refrigerators and freezers)

Furniture (per piece)                                                               $10.00

Single item building materials (such as window, door, drywall sheet, carpet roll) (each)                             $5.00

Small Single Item (each)                                                        $2.00

Mattress/Box Spring (per piece)                                              $10.00

Over limit garbage bags – Residential                                      $1.00/bag

  • Commercial/Industrial                                                    $3.00/bag

Opening site outside regular hours   $40/hour over 3 hours

                                                                                       Minimum $120

Clean Fill/Brush                                                                   FREE

Electronic Waste                                                                  FREE

Landfill Pass Card Replacement                                            $2.00


Saturday, May 11, 2024;
Saturday, June 8, 2024; OR
Saturday, July 13, 2024.


Please Note:

*No person shall permit any solid waste to be blown or dropped from their premises or from their vehicle onto a public lane or public highway in the Township of Chisholm

*The Landfill Operator at his/her discretion shall be permitted to inspect and approve or refuse any load prior to entering the Waste Disposal Site deposit area.




The Landfill has a designated area for dropping off used or broken electronic waste. There is no cost or limit to dropping off electronic waste. Ask the Landfill Attendant where to deposit your E-Waste. 


With newer, more hi-tech electronics continuously becoming available to fit our lifestyles, we are replacing older models  at rapid rates. As a result, electronics are becoming one of the fastest growing portions of trash. Electronic equipment is accepted at the Chisholm landfill site, so giving new life to your dated electronics is easier than you think!

Items collected: Amplifiers, Cameras, Cell phones, Computer peripherals, Copiers/Printers, Fax machines, Monitors and TVs, Pagers and PDAs, Portable audio players, Portable computers, Speakers, Stereo systems, Telephones and Answering machines, Tuners, Turntables, Vehicle audio and vehicle devices, VHS, Beta and DVD players, Video projectors

This is a FREE service that encourages waste diversion. The Environmental Handling Fee (EHF) you likely paid on purchasing new electronics covers collection, transportation and procession of electronic waste, as well as research and educational programs to promote responsible management of end-of-life electronics.