Municipal Services
Fire Department
April 1st 2024 Burn Permits will again be required until October 31, 2024
Permits are required for open air burning, land clearing, and Incinerator.
Campfire for cooking and warmth does not require a permit.
Permits are now issued Online, by phone, or in person.
Visit chisholm.burnpermits.com, then create an account. You will then be able to login anytime needed to obtain a burn permit.
Phone and In person
Call or visit the Township office
2847 Chiswick Line
Powassan, ON
P0H 1Z0
According to By-law 2020-05, (copy below), being a by-law to establish Open Air Burning Procedures in the Township of Chisholm and the precautions to be observed, all persons setting an open air fire in the Township of Chisholm between the 1st day of April and the 31st day of October shall first obtain a fire permit. The material to be burned shall be limited to grass and wood or by-products of wood. Any burning from November 1st to March 31, does not require a permit and is not restricted by any times of the day.
A fire permit is also required for incinerator fires. These permits only need to be issued once per season and are valid from April 1st to October 31st. See below the "How to Build a Safe Incinerator" tab.
Permits for brush burning and or land clearing are given out for four days at a time, unless there is a fire ban. No burning is permitted between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Permits for setting off Fireworks are also required, see by-law 2023-41 for more information. The by-law restricts fireworks to being set off on specific days only. If you are going to be setting off fireworks ensure you have fully read the by-law. The by-law is found in the tab below.
Working Smoke Alarms Provide Early Fire Detection
To prevent a tragic fire in Chisholm Township, the residents are urged to ensure that they have working smoke alarms on every storey and outside all sleeping areas of their homes. “Every home is required by law to have a working smoke alarm on every storey and outside all sleeping areas. These can be hard-wired or battery-operated depending on when your home was built. Both types are required to meet the same standard for smoke alarms, and both are equally effective and acceptable under the Ontario Fire Code. If you do not have a smoke alarm on every storey of your home, it is vital that you install them as soon as possible.”
The Fire Department consists of qualified, trained volunteer firefighters. Their individual time and effort is the reason for the efficiency of the entire unit. The Fire Department, which is located adjacent to the Township Office, operates through various donations from the community, fundraising events and a budget approved by Council. The organization is committed to helping with fire protection or other emergencies.
The Chisholm volunteer Fire Department is always looking for new members. Applicants must be at least nineteen (19) years of age and be able to pass a Criminal Record Check.
It is recommended to attend at least one meeting prior to applying. The Fire Department meets every week, on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Hall located at 2847 Chiswick Line. If anyone is interested in volunteering, please contact the office to obtain an application form.
Chisholm Township Fire Department - is urging families in Chisholm Township to practice their home fire escape plan. Last year, 101 people died in fires across the province, a stark reminder that everyone in your household must know exactly what to do if a fire occurs.
Simple steps for home fire escape planning include:
- Install smoke alarms on every storey and outside sleeping areas. It’s the law. For best protection, install smoke alarms in every bedroom.
- Develop a home fire escape plan and discuss it with the entire family.
- Show everyone two ways out of each room, if possible.
- Check that all exits are unobstructed and easy to use.
- Determine who will be responsible for helping young children, older adults or anyone else that may need assistance.
- Choose a meeting place outside, such as a tree or a lamp post, where everyone can be accounted for.
- If caught in smoke, get low and go under the smoke to the nearest safe exit.
- Call the fire department from outside the home, from a cell phone or neighbor’s home.
- Once out, stay out. Never re-enter a burning building.
You may have only seconds to safely escape your home. Practice your home fire escape plan and make sure everyone can get out quickly.
Chisholm Township Fire Department,
Fire Chief, Ray Ford
Flooding and road closures demonstrate how emergencies can strike any time. Be prepared with an emergency kit that will allow you to shelter in your home for three days (72 hours). If you have to leave your home for a safer location, make the kit portable so you can take it with you. Mark this year’s Emergency Preparedness Week and keep your family safe by assembling the kit with these tips:
- Food (non-perishable and easy-to-prepare items, enough for 3 days) and a manual can opener
- Bottled water (4 litres per person for each day)
- Medication(s)
- Flashlight
- Radio (crank or battery-run)
- Extra batteries
- First-aid kit
- Candles and matches/lighter
- Hand sanitizer or moist towelettes
- Important papers (identification, contact lists, copies of prescriptions, etc.)
- Extra car keys and cash
- Whistle (to attract attention, if needed)
- Zip-lock bag (to keep things dry)
- Garbage bags
Special Considerations:
- Items for babies and small children—diapers, formula, bottles, baby food, comfort items
- Prescription medication
- Medical supplies and equipment
- Pet food and supplies
- Any other items specific to your family’s needs
Extra Supplies for Evacuation:
- Clothes, shoes
- Sleeping bags or blankets
- Personal items (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, comb, other toiletries)
- Playing cards, travel games, other activities for children
- Pack the contents of your kit in an easy-to-carry bag(s) or a case on wheels.
- Store your kit in a place that is easy to reach, and ensure that everyone in your family knows where it is.
- Your kit does not have to be built overnight. Spread your shopping over a few weeks. Purchase a few items every time you go to the store.
- Your water supply is meant to cover what you would drink as well as what you might need for food preparation, hygiene and dishwashing.
- Check and refresh your kit twice a year—when the clocks shift to/from daylight savings time is a good time. Check all expiry dates and replace food and water with a fresh supply. Check batteries and replace as needed.
- Keep your cell phone or mobile device fully charged.