Current Fire Rating
Emergency Services
According to By-law 2022-05, being a by-law to establish Open Air Burning Procedures in the Township of Chisholm and the precautions to be observed, all persons setting an open air fire in the Township of Chisholm between the 1st day of April and the 31st day of October shall first obtain a fire permit. The material to be burned shall be limited to grass and wood or by-products of wood. Any burning from November 1st to March 31st, does not require a permit and is not restricted by any times of the day.
Emergency services are readily available in Chisholm Township. We have 9-1-1 service, as well as Ambulance, Fire and Police.
9-1-1 provides instant access to emergency services. It should be used for immediate police, fire and ambulance response in a life threatening situation. It is important that the public use the system correctly. If the service is flooded with non-emergency calls, then it will be difficult for people with real emergencies to get through in a life or death situation.
The Committee’s mandate is to encourage a sense of pride and commitment in the Township as a safe and secure place to live; to work with the Community, Council and the O.P.P. to establish needs and to advocate for resolution of these identified needs; to speak on behalf of the community on issues related to quality of life, safety and security as reflected in the above; devise and run Public Safety Programs such as Rural Watch, Crime Prevention Education, and First Aid Courses.
The Committee is composed of interested people living in the Township with a representative selected by each key group or organization in the community where possible, plus one member of Council and one representative from the North Bay Detachment of the O.P.P.
Meetings are held the first Monday of every second month, at 7:00 p.m. in the council Chambers (except during summer months) with an Annual General Meeting and election of Officers in June of each year.
This is a non-profit organization which rallies the community, the news media and the police in a collective campaign against crime. Phone 705-476-8477 or 1-800-222-8477 if you have information to report.
Hydro One Information
In an immediate emergency, contact the OPP or dial 9-1-1.
(TTY) 705 945-7641.
Chisholm Township is served by officers working out of the North Bay Detachment of the OPP, North East Region. In a situation requiring police assistance, dial 9-1-1 or phone 1-888-310-1122. For the hearing impaired, the number to phone in an emergency is 1-800-461-6778.