Municipal Services
Animal Control
The Ministry of Natural Resources Bear Wise program is running again for the 2020 season. This program is dedicated to reducing preventable causes of human-bear conflict in the province of Ontario. The Ministry has an excellent website (English or French), a toll free provincial reporting line (1-866-514-2327) or (TTY 705-945-7641), as well as two Bear Management Technicians who are able to provide education and presentations in addition to responding to human-bear conflicts at the local level.
The Canine Control Officer for Chisholm Township is Sandy Briggs and she can be reached during the day at 705-724-2676.
All dogs kept within the Township of Chisholm must be registered either with the Canine Control Officer or the Township Office and all dog owners must purchase a numbered dog tag for each dog they possess on or before April 1st of each year. Failure to obtain a dog tag by this date will result in higher fees.
Dog tags can be purchased at the Township Office during regular business hours or if it is more convenient, fill out the form at the bottom of this section and return it by mail along with the required fee and we will mail you the tag(s).
Dog license fees are as follows:
Chisholm Township Dog Tag Fees |
Before March 31st |
After March 31st
1 Dog |
$10.00 |
$30.00 |
2 Dogs |
$25.00 |
$45.00 |
3 Dogs |
$50.00 |
$70.00 |
*With the passing of the new Fees By-law (2011-27), the late fees have been changed.
Please note: Maximum three (3) dogs per household as per By-Law 2010-06, as amended. It is up to each individual to stay informed of changes in the Animal Control and other by-laws. A copy of this by-law can be found below, entitled "Canine By-law".
The Livestock valuer is responsible to investigate claims and determine the type of predator responsible when an owner of livestock or poultry discovers and immediately reports to the valuer that any of the owner's livestock or poultry has been killed or injured and to the best of the owner's knowledge and belief such killing or injuring was done by a wolf or a dog other than the owner's dog.
The valuer completes a detailed written report of his/her findings and submits a copy to the Clerk and the owner. Once the the Ministry has received and reviewed the submission, they will contact the Township of Chisholm directly to provide the compensation amount.
Any person who finds to the best of their knowledge that their livestock or poultry has been killed or injured to wolves or dogs must immediately report their findings to the livestock valuer in order to qualify for compensation under the Act.
New as of April 1, 2012, the producer applying for compensation must provide a Premises ID number and a valid Farm Business Registration number on the Valuer's report.
For further information or to report an incident contact the Township Office (705) 724-3526.