Come Chat With Chisholm!
The Township has launched a website, Chat With Chisholm, that gives you an opportunity to express your opinions on township projects. There are surveys, discussion forums, and more to participate and stay up to date on important Township business. The information gathered from this site will be a key tool for Council when making decisions.
Council wants to hear from you! Go to chatwith.chisholm.ca and register with just a few short questions. The answers to these questions are not made public. Think about your user name; it will be what appears when you comment in open forums.
At this time, there are 4 active projects: Official Plan Review, Strategic Plan and Operational Plan, Annual Budget and Recreation. Projects will be updated with the newest information and new projects will be launched from time to time.
Follow the link below and Click on the register button at the top of the page. If you have any questions, please call the municipal office.