Municipal Services

Planning Department

 The Planning Department deals with the following situations:
  • Consents/Severance applications 
  • Minor Variances 
  • Lakeshore Road Allowance 
  • Zoning By-law Amendments
  • Official Plan Policies
For a copy of the Consent (Severance) Application, click on the 'Application for Consent' and 'MDS I Sheet' links below. The other application forms are available at the office for now. Please call the Clerk-Treasurer at 705-724-3526 if you require further information about the planning process.
** The Township now has a policy requiring a pre-consultation interview for the following: Official Plan Amendment; Zoning By-law Amendment; Minor Variance or Permission; as well as Consent to Sever land/Lots/Rights of Way. Please refer to the "Development Application Pre-Consultation Checklist" below.
As a result of adopting a new Official Plan, Council also adopted a new Zoning By-law to implement the policies of the Plan. A copy of the By-law as well as ZB Schedules A to C are included in the Tab below.

Development Application Pre-consultation Checklist

Application for Consent

Application for Consent - Fillable PDF

Application for Minor Variance or for Permission

Application to Purchase Lakeshore or Road Allowance

Application for a Zoning Amendment or Official Plan Amendment

MDS I Data Sheet

Public Notice of Application

The following are Notices for applications that are going to the March 4, 2025 Committee of Adjustment Meeting:




Mandatory Septic Inspections

In January 2011, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing revised the Ontario Building Code (OBC), creating “mandatory maintenance inspections” for all septic systems in Ontario identified as a “significant threat” to drinking water sources. If this pertains to your property you may have received a letter this year explaining that your septic was to be inspected.  Should you have questions or would like more information please call North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority.