Building Department
The Ontario Building Code Act and Code are Regulations that are set in place by the Province of Ontario. Under the requirements of this Act, Municipalities are responsible for the enforcement of the Act, Code and governing regulations. The Building Code sets minimum standards, which ensures public safety and uniformity in the construction industry.
Building permits are required for:
- The construction of a new home;
- An addition (of any size) to an existing building, including residential, commercial and farm buildings, decks, swimming pools, storage buildings, garages, etc;
- Renovations or alterations to existing buildings depending of the change and type of materials used;
- The construction of any structure/accessory building *(garage, shed, etc.) with an area greater than 161 square feet;
- The construction of farm buildings.
- A permit is also required for demolition of a building, as well as for re-shingling a roof.**
**Please be aware that old shingles will not be accepted at the Landfill unless you have a Building Permit. If it's a small repair job on a roof, or you are cleaning out old shingles, call the Township Office and staff will issue you a letter for proof that a building permit was not required. Tipping fees will be charged as well.
According to Zoing By-law 2014-25, Section 4.1 “An accessory building, structure or use may only be located after the main use has been erected.”
Please note: It is very important when submitting an Application for a Building Permit that you make sure all the necessary forms are filled out and that you are submitting all of the required paperwork. please contact the Chief Building Official, Tekpreet Singh, at 705-752-2740 if you have questions on the requirements. |
Building Permit Applications can be obtained at the Township Office or below. Applications from the North-Mattawa Conservation Authority for construction or alteration of a sewage disposal system are also available at the office or at nbmca.on.ca.
Requirements to Obtain a Building Permit
Building Permit Application (2024)
Building Permit Fee Annual Report is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 7(4) of the Building Code Act, as amended. This report sets out the Total Fees collected, a summary of the indirect and direct costs of administration and enforcement and the statement of reserve funds for building services.
Building Permit Fee Annual Report 2014
Building Permit Fee Annual Report 2015
Building Permit Fee Annual Report 2016
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2017
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2018
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2019
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2020
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2021
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2022
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2023
Building Permit Fee Annual Report - 2024
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
1. What is the size of a building or structure that requires a permit?
"The Ontario Building Code requires a building permit for any buildings or structures that are more than 161 square feet".
2. Can I build a garage before I build my house?
"As per section 4.1 of the Township's Zoning By-law 2014-25, an accessory use, building or structure can not be erected until the primary or principle use of the land is established and legal."
If the applicant submits applications for both a Primary use (ex. dwelling) and an accessory use (ex. garage) the township will release the permits at the same time and the applicant can build them simultaneously.
3. Do I require a permit to replace shingles?
"Yes. a permit is required to replace shingles on any building larger than 161 square feet. You will also need to show your building permit to the Landfill Attendant in order to bring them to the Landfill. Tipping fees will be charged. If you are replacing shingles with a metal roof then a permit is not reqiured but you will need a letter from the office to bring the shingles to the landfill."
4. What kind of lumber can I use?
"All lumber must be graded, except for farm buildings (barns).
5. Do I need to submit professional drawings?
"We recomend that you get professional drawings. No you do not have to, but with professional drawings they are likey done by a qualified individual who is knowledgable with the Ontario Building Code and this means there will be less discussion with the Chief Building Official and you will receive your permit faster."