Rogers Cell Tower - Golf Course Road
Public Meeting Presentation - January 26, 2023
The telecommunication site will be located on private property at north of 338 Golf Course Road, Chisholm. Specifically, tower centre and the site will be setback 43m east of Golf Course Road. A new gated entrance is proposed 90m south of the existing entrance on subject property. A new access road will be installed to the site with public access restricted with a chain-link fence.
Rogers has proposed a 90m guyed tower at the above location. A guyed tower has three sets of guyed wires that extend to supporting anchors. The site will be comprised of the guyed tower, antenna equipment installed on tower, and a radio-equipment cabinet located within a 7.6m x 9.5m chain-link fenced compound at tower base.
Tower will comply with Transport Canada and NAV Canada regulations with Rogers submitting necessary applications. Rogers anticipates the proposed tower will require lighting for both daytime and nighttime aeronautical protection. A split system with a medium intensity flashing white beacon during daytime and twilight use that switches to a medium intensity flashing red beacon at top of tower in addition of a red flashing dual obstruction light at the mid-point of tower during nighttime is compliant with CAR 621 Standards Obstruction Markings.
Health and Safety
Antenna equipment on cell towers transmit and receive radiofrequency energy to connect with wireless devices. Exposure to low levels of radiofrequency energy from cell phone towers is safe within Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 exposure guidelines. Rogers attests that the antenna system described in this letter will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis to comply with Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, for the protection of the public including any combined operation of additional carrier co-locations and nearby installations. More information on health and safety can be found at:
The proposed facility will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code, Canadian Standard Association (CAN/CSA-S37-18) and respect good engineering practices including structural adequacy. The facility will comply with the Impact Assessment Act.
General Information
Radiocommunications falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada and regulated by the Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED). More information about this process can be found at: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/h_sf11435.html or contact the local ISED office.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada - Eastern & Northern Ontario District
2 Queen Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 1Y3 Tel: (855) 465-6307 Email: ic.spectrumenod-spectredeno.ic@canada.ca